Specialized Services Tailored to Your Unique Needs

If You Seek:

  • A trusted, non-judgmental environment where you are heard and valued

  • Someone who will listen & spend adequate time with you

  • Someone who works to get to the root of the problem.

  • Someone who provides a balanced approach to treatment, where medication is an option but not the only option

  • Someone who provides services in Spanish and English

     …….….then you’re in the right Place!

I help adults struggling with depression, anxiety and bipolar restore confidence, revitalize social connections, overcome anxiety, reclaim energy and find fulfillment by offering holistic approaches including pharmaceuticals, supportive talk-therapy, plant based medicine and more

My Approach

I practice Integrative psychiatry which is a holistic approach to mental health treatment combining traditional psychiatric treatments with complementary and alternative therapies. It focuses on treating the whole person rather than just symptoms.

I believe medication is an option but not the only option and patients excel and thrive when they play an active role in their recovery and goal achievement. I understand no single treatment modality alone will benefit everyone.

You and your experiences are unique, your treatment should be also.

My patients receive both conventional Western and complementary therapies with a focus on a therapeutic relationship where they are heard and valued. We will create a unique plan including one or all modalities listed below based on safety, indication, your needs, goals and values

Psychiatric Medication

Psychiatric medication, also known as psychotropics can be helpful for people dealing with psychiatric symptoms. They can sometimes provide relief from symptoms making it easier to function and feel better enough to get to the next level of self care. These medications come in different types and are used to treat things like depression, anxiety, bipolar, attention-deficit disorder, and many others. They work by altering chemical balance in the brain to regulate mood, cognition, and behavior.

  • I may recommend and prescribe medication if indicated and I believe it would provide significant benefit to you. I will create a regimen to help you feel better faster, utilize lowest effective doses possible to avoid unnecessary side effects and tailor treatment to your individual needs and tolerances. Prior to starting any prescribed medication, I will obtain an informed consent from you. This means you have the ability to accept or decline medication recommendations following our discussion of potential risks and benefits of medication.

  • Often, it may be in a person’s best interest to reduce, change, minimize or taper off psychiatric medications. Some reasons for this might be:

    1) an individual was misdiagnosed & medications are not helping nor appropriate; 2) medication was started during a time of adjustment or crisis and is no longer needed, 3) medications are not providing any benefits or poorly tolerated; 4) drug-drug interactions or 5) medication is exacerbating chronic medical conditions.

    I can gently help you reduce, stop, or change psychotropic medications if it is safe and clinically indicated. Abrupt discontinuation of psychotropic medication is not recommended, it can cause discomfort and trigger withdrawal symptoms. A cautious, careful, and slow taper, combined with lifestyle changes may be effective in helping you reduce, change or discontinue psychotropics.

“You have Power Over Your Mind—Not Outside Events,

Realize this, and you will find Strength”

— Marcus Aurelius

Supportive Psychotherapy

I provide supportive talk therapy which focuses on providing emotional support, validation and encouragement to individuals experiencing challenges or distress.  I provide a safe, empathetic, non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. This strategy will help you gain insight, learn coping strategies, and develop empowerment. We’ll work together to help you feel better faster and thrive.

Supplements and Plant-Based Medicine

Supplements are dietary additions that provide concentrated doses of specific nutrients, vitamins, minerals, or herbs to support overall health and well-being. In the context of mental health, specific supplements, vitamins and adaptogenic herbs have been studied and used for their potential to promote cognitive function, manage stress, and support emotional well-being.

  • I can help you find the right supplement regimen to support your specific needs. I check to ensure there are no harmful interactions between medications and supplements you are currently taking or if any supplements are contraindicated in any medical condition you may have.

  • Supplements are not required to meet the same quality standards as pharmaceuticals in the United States; leading to wide variability in the purity and quality of supplements available to consumers.

    I can guide you and recommend trusted manufacturers who take extra steps to safeguard the health of their consumers through third party testing for purity and quality. The quality of a supplement is important because it impacts the effectiveness and safety of the product, it also influences the potential health outcomes and benefits it can provide.

Comprehensive Lab Testing

Laboratory analysis can identify imbalances, deficiencies, or abnormalities potentially contributing to or causing psychiatric symptoms. I can order general as well as specialized lab testing to assess adrenal, hormonal, nutritional and inflammatory status. I can also request genetic testing to better understand how you metabolize medications or how you may respond to a specific medication

Lifestyle Counseling and Support

Behaviors including sleep, movement, nutrition, stress management & mind-body practices directly affect health.

My mission is to empower, motivate and support you on your journey. We will discuss habits/routines and create a plan based on your personal goals. With knowledge, personalized guidance and support to take realistic and consistent steps, it becomes easier to make changes.

You will find, even small consistent changes make noticeable differences in how you feel. Over time, new routines will take less effort to maintain and you’ll reap benefits of long-term positive health outcomes.


Aromatherapy is a subtype of Phyto-therapy where essential oils are used for therapeutic purposes including: stress reduction, relaxation, pain relief, enhancing mood, strengthening immunity and inhibiting microbes.

Essential oils are simple, affordable, convenient and enjoyable to use because of their beautiful aromatic scents.

When administered properly, botanically sourced essential oils are safe to use and are another tool used within integrative healthcare to complement and enhance other treatments.

  • Skin: the low molecular weight and lipid solubility of essential oils allows them to penetrate the epidermis and get below it into the dermal layer of skin where they can be absorbed into capillaries, nerve endings and lymphatic vessels.

    Inhalation: is the quickest and simplest route into the body, Inhaled essential oils are absorbed into the blood through alveoli affecting the emotional center of the brain and central nervous system.

  • Essential oils are not created equal with regard to quality and value. The quality and source of the oil affects its therapeutic benefit. I can provide you with a list of dependable vendors and help you learn convenient ways to incorporate this into your treatment.

Fees & Service Details

  • In the first session we’ll discuss your experiences, struggles and goals for treatment. It includes a detailed assessment of your medical history, mental health history, family history as well as current lifestyle and relationships. Together, we’ll discuss preliminary diagnosis and individualized treatment recommendations. This fee includes a thorough review of any medical records and intake forms you provide prior to the session. I foster a safe, relaxed, and non-judgmental space where you will not feel rushed, my hope is you will leave feeling heard, understood, and valued.

    Cost: $375

  • Follow up appointments may include:

    Medication/Supplement Management


    Interpretation/Review of Lab Results

    Lifestyle counseling

    Supportive Therapy

    Cost: $150

  • 50 -minute follow up sessions include everything listed in 30 min follow up and allows more time for psychotherapy, counseling, and treatment plan adjustments. 50-minute appointments might be recommended for more complex cases

    Cost: $225

  • The first step in working with me is a 20 min phone call. It is a great opportunity for us to chat and decide if we are a good fit for each other. 

    Cost: Free

What Is the Process?

  • Step 1:

    Book your Free Consultation

    Schedule free 20min phone consultation. No commitment nor pressure, the call is to see to see if we are a good fit

  • Step 2:

    Schedule Intake & Complete Forms

    We’ll schedule your comprehensive intake. You will complete intake forms and submit to me before your appointment. I value the time you spend filling these out and I do read them.

  • Step 3:

    Comprehensive Intake (75 minutes)

    This will be our first video session, you will share your story, I will listen and ask questions to get a better understanding about your struggles, needs and goals. You will leave this session with an initial treatment plan which may include: lab tests, recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition, mind-body practices, supportive therapy, supplements and medication

  • Step 4:

    Follow Up (30-50 minutes)

    We’ll discuss how you’ve been feeling since your last session and make necessary adjustments to your treatment based on what is working or not working for you.